I belong to a golf group that golfs twice a week (mostly retired fogies who try to avoid bogies). Twice a year, once in the spring, and once in the fall, we have an overnight outing where we drive a couple of hours, play a round, spend the night at a hotel, play a second round early the next day, then drive home.
At some point a few weeks before I realized I could do the time immemorial practice of crossdressers, the hotel room photo shoot.
I have a GG friend Renee. A long time ago we were FWBs and she encouraged my first forays into dressing and bought me my first pair of heels. Thirty years later via Facebook we reconnected, and after she accidentally found out I still dressed (I came close to outing myself to lots of people on Facebook), we have messaged regularly and talked occasionally.
In her own words, she likes seeing me dressed up–and I love having someone I can share my thoughts and pictures with. It’s great to have a sounding board–and she loves the shout-outs on my blog posts.
Part of my pleasure of dressing up for me is the anticipation. I don’t get to do it that often–especially lately–so thinking about where to go and what to wear (decision, decisions!) is all an integral part of the process.

Often, messaging with Renee is also a big part of the build-up. I’m going to add to the narrative with some of those texts.
Me: Going on an overnight golf trip Monday/Tuesday. Staying at a hotel. Thought I might take along my Dee stuff and shoot some pictures. Still have a few items from Michelle I haven’t taken pictures of. Any requests?
Renee: Surprise me. I doubt that I’ll get to meet Kandi. The family has scheduled lots of activities. Damn.
Me: Ok. Not sure how much stuff I’ll take.
The background is that Renee is from Cleveland, was making a trip to Cleveland to see family, and during the trip wanted to meet Kandi. I had previously passed on the request to Kandi and Kandi was all-in. But as Renee noted, meeting was not to be. [Editorial comment: 🙁]
Finally around 9 PM I began getting dressed. I sent Renee a few “getting ready” pictures. I tried on three dresses my GG friend Michelle had given me recently (the two black and white sundresses, and the strapless dress) and a halter dress I found recently at Goodwill (which I was iffy about keeping, but Renee was all-in on it, so I kept it). Of course, I sent the pictures to Renee.
After I text the pictures, often Renee responds with comments on the photos or stickers.
For the three pictures of the strapless dress, Renee texted “Excellent 3”. The others include her comment and sticker.

In addition to dresses, Michelle also gave me some lingerie, and Renee likes pictures of me in lingerie, so I took a few of those too….

More next Dee-peat.
10 Responses
Hot stuff Dee. Well done.
Almost embarrassed by so much me. Note almost.😃
I’m sure you’ll get over it. 😀
P.S. Just wait until next week…
Not cool. And I’ll wait.
So what about the golf ? While the outfits were lovely they weren’t the ideal outfits for golf ! OK you did the swap and played male mode .
I’ve played golf on and off for many years , eventually I geared myself up with women’s shoes and suitable outfits but in between I lost most of my golfing friends . The last time I played I did my usual trick of leaving my pitching wedge by the green to putt out , then forgot to collect the wedge . I realised when I checked my bag when returning home but by then I was dressed , as the course is only a ten minute drive away I decided to drive back and do a quick search for my wedge . I chatted with several players to ask if they had picked my club up without success and finally left a note in the secretary’s post box , sadly another club lost . Nowdays when I play I always check out the odds and ends of clubs in the pro shop if I see a suitable wedge I buy it so I always have a spare , they may not match my other clubs but an odd wedge is better than no wedge at all !
I admit I also have to accept male mode or should I say Grandpa mode when I play with my grandsons .
Very nice Dee, me being a golfer too my dream would be to play golf en fem. I do have a few girl golf outfits but you don’t just show up to the course that way to play you know lol.
Hope you played well, you did dress well for sure
At Dee-Va Las Vegas I did Top Golf but did not do the actual golf. Honestly, playing golf in a skirt (or tennis in a skirt) doesn’t really appeal to me (although for a Halloween half-marathon I did dress up).
The best part of my golf game is that 95% of the time I walk the course with a pull cart, so even the times when my golf sucks (I have the putting yips from time to time) I at least get my exercise in.
Dee it’s because you are very competitive when you play a sport.It’s not about what you are wearing, it’s about winning.
Golf and tennis are just two of the sports I can no longer play.
Actually, most of the time it’s all about playing, not winning. Usually I’m playing non-competative tennis with tennis buddies or as a sub in a league. If I’m the best player on the court, I will generally just focus on returning balls to the other side, because hitting balls IS fun and the other players that way get to play more too.
Golf is not winning against the other players it’s winning against yourself. But for me, it’s mostly an opportunity to hit a few balls and also trash talk your playing partners….
When I joined the +60s tennis group I did feel it was a bit of a challenge , I had nothing suitable to wear , I thought a tennis dress might look dated . It was clearly pointed out by the organisers that we would not be allowed on the courts unless we had suitable footwear , so I checked out a SportsDirect store and found nice femme Slazenger tennis shoes at half price . They didn’t have any dresses in stock but was shown two skorts one with in white pleats and a black tighter fitting one . I decided to buy both as they were half price , on trying them again at home I realised even with careful tucking the black skort didn’t totally hide certain parts , so it had to be the white pleated one which I matched up with a suitable white Tshirt .
I admit I was nervous the first time I joined the mixed group of thirty other players , the funny part was because I was wearing an all white tennis outfit some thought I was one of the organisers . It’s not a term I often use but I admit it did feel a cute outfit , I felt great wearing it .
As for golf I bought a couple of pairs of Chino trousers in soft pink and pale green to go with ladies golf shoes