Warning: This will be a long post. Grab a cup of coffee before you get started.
August 7, 2021 was a day that forced me to keep pinching myself. Were these things really happening to me?

I was chosen (as were a few hundred other girls) to be considered for a bridal show to be held twice, in two separate places. The wonderful woman organizing the events offered to video our runway walk, which is being used to determine who actually walks the show. So I schedule an early afternoon appointment.
The morning started with Saturday AM pickleball and I have never played so well! I hated to leave, but this girl had to get ready! It was suggested I wear a tank top and leggings, so I put together what I thought was a great look for me.
The woman invited us to her home, where I also met her husband and daughter. She and I talked and talked and talked, two women getting to know each other. She remarked on more than one occasion how much she liked me and when I left, she told me I was awesome.

She showed me how she wanted me to walk (it’s not as easy as it sounds) and we shot the video. I had to do a bunch of other things, so I asked her if I could change there, which I did. Without droning on too long, she publishes a quarterly wedding magazine and it looks like yours truly may be writing for the magazine!! I should have been there for about 10 minutes, I was there for well over an hour.
She is, among other things, a photographer, so I asked if she would take a few pictures of me (on my phone) in my next outfit. I love these photos!

Wow! Okay, time to take care of a few errands. I had to return something to Bed, Bath and Beyond for my wife. I took care of that with a few “honey”s thrown my way. Then doing some Walmart shopping. I simply love casually selecting my cosmetics while dressed like this. 😉
Then I hit the mall. I walked all over the place. Not a head was turned. Just before I left, I was riding up the escalator in Dillard’s. I turn to exit the escalator when a woman walking by almost runs into me. She quickly excused herself and then gushed about how adorable I looked in my dress! Yes, she said I was adorable! In her defense, I was….. Not only that, she proceeded to tell me about the dress she was wearing out that evening for her daughter’s birthday dinner and where they were going. It was a few minute conversation that happened for no other reason that I was out, in public, confident and appropriate, being me! But wait, there’s more!
Dinner at Vaccaro’s where I had another lengthy conversation only woman have with my dear friend Karen (the bartender) that had me crying (I seem to be doing that a lot lately). She talked about how kind I was, among other things. Over the course of the hour and a half I was there, I also had a lengthy conversation with the couple that sat next to me. Damn, I love that place!

I wrapped the evening up (see above) at Mercury Theatre, ushering for an evening show. There I got a few hugs and had lengthy conversations with quite a few patrons.
I was exhilarated and exhausted after the evening was over. But I had to get to bed early as I had to be on the starting line the following morning at 7:00AM to run a half marathon. I was awful, really bad and yet, since I am now officially elderly, I won my age group by 6 minutes!! Maybe it is good to be old….
Since the pandemic lightened up somewhat allowing a return to some normal activities, I have been so blessed to have so many memorable encounters and opportunities come my way!
8 Responses
What a experience and how perfectly natural it surely was. It is amazing how one kind gesture or one fleeting smile can illuminate the day for someone who until then was a complete stranger.
I too helped out at the Mercury Theatre, but mine was in the U.K. Meeting and greeting people has gifted me with a confidence I had so long lacked in my life.
Faye x
I love it when someone confirms my read on reality. The world remains full of risks, but when done by our common sense rules, going out as ourselves is not one of them. Thank you my dear!! I love that you are YOU!
Just yesterday, I was employed as a woman in a major motion picture, in a capacity where I will be seen on screen (if only for a split second).
can absolutely identify with your day. What comes1st-the chicken or the egg? In that regard the more you put yourself out there the more confident you are as a woman and then these contacts occur more and more frequently. Probably as you are now radiating girl vibes all over the place.Way to go!
Yeah, I am one giant ball of female vibes!! Love you Em!!
My dear you look so beautiful and what I see in you is such a change in that you seem so much easier being Kandi then at anytime since I’ve been following you
It shows in your pictures and in your writing about your day
It’s refreshing for sure
Coming out of the COVID cocoon, I have really blossomed as it forced me to rethink who I am and how I approach the world. Thank you my valued contributor!
Wow, is all I can say !!!
Sammy, you’ll read about it soon, but I just topped that day!!