What If You Could Become Just 1% Better? 

The Power of Tiny Gains in the Transgender Journey

During my decades of writing, stage presentations and lectures, one of my favorite topics was, and still is, self improvement. 

Tapping into the female power source that’s always been in me, I’ve been able to use it to accelerate my process. I embraced it rather than hiding it. 

What if you could improve just 1% every day? It might sound small, but tiny, consistent progress can lead to incredible transformations over time—especially in the context of personal identity, self-discovery, and growth. For many in the transgender community, the journey of embracing one’s authentic self is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about making gradual changes, both externally and internally, while navigating societal, emotional, and physical challenges.

Just as the difference between first and second place in a sprint is a matter of fractions, the transgender journey is made up of small, meaningful steps. Each day presents an opportunity to become a little more aligned with your true self, and over time, these tiny steps add up to powerful shifts in every facet of your life.

**The 1% Difference: Progress in Transition**

When it comes to personal growth, especially in the transgender experience, it’s important to recognize that big changes don’t happen overnight. Whether transitioning socially, medically, or emotionally, the process is often gradual. Like athletes or competitors striving for greatness, transgender individuals find that even small changes—sometimes imperceptible at first—can make a massive difference.

Here are a few examples of the 1% difference in the transgender journey:

– **Social Transition**: Coming out to friends or family, using a chosen name or pronouns, or finding communities where your identity is respected are all major milestones. But these happen over time. Maybe today you come out to one person or introduce your chosen name to someone new. These small steps build confidence and connection to your authentic self.

– **Medical Transition**: For those seeking hormone therapy or surgeries, results don’t happen instantly. Hormonal changes are subtle at first—1% gains. Over weeks and months, those tiny daily shifts start to become noticeable, reflecting your inner self. With each milestone, you grow more comfortable in your skin.

– **Emotional and Mental Growth**: The emotional side of transition can be just as important. Learning to embrace yourself, developing resilience in the face of discrimination, and building self-confidence are gradual processes. Maybe today you take time to affirm yourself, and tomorrow you practice self-care. Each act is a small victory, compounding over time.

Much like in competitive sports where fractions of a second can determine a winner, the transgender journey is defined by these small victories. Each time you become a little more comfortable or confident in your identity, you’re making significant progress, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.

**Compounding Gains: How 1% Daily Improvement Transforms Your Life**

If you could get just 1% closer to your true self each day, where would you be a year from now? While transition often feels like a long and winding road, small, consistent changes accumulate into something powerful. Improving by 1% every day means that by the end of the year, you would be over 37 times more in tune with your authentic self.

Think of it this way:

– **In relationships**: Today, you might share a little more of your authentic self with a friend or family member. Tomorrow, maybe you correct someone who misgenders you. These are small, brave actions that eventually transform how you’re perceived and how you experience the world.

– **In self-expression**: Whether it’s how you dress, how you speak, or how you carry yourself, experimenting with self-expression is part of the journey. Try something new today, even if it’s just a small change—a haircut, an accessory, or a slight shift in how you walk through the world.

These small changes, these tiny 1% improvements, build on each other, creating momentum that can change the course of your life. Transition, like personal development, is not about giant leaps but about showing up each day to make small, meaningful changes that reflect your true self.

**The Magic of 1/100th of a Percent: Micro Gains in the Transgender Experience**

Now, let’s imagine taking an even smaller approach—what if you could improve by just **1/100th of a percent** each day? Even this micro-improvement adds up over time. In fact, 1/100th of a percent each day compounds to nearly 44% better in a year.

In the transgender context, these micro gains can look like:

– **Building Resilience**: Maybe today you faced a challenge—whether it was being misgendered or dealing with internal doubt. But tomorrow, you handle it just a little bit better. Each time you confront these difficulties, even in the smallest ways, you’re building emotional strength.

– **Personal Discovery**: Transition often involves discovering new aspects of yourself, whether through gender identity, sexuality, or self-expression. Each day you learn something new about who you are, and even small realizations can have a profound impact.

While society tends to focus on quick, visible changes, the truth is that these micro improvements in self-awareness, confidence, and resilience make all the difference in the long run. Transition, both externally and internally, is a series of small, powerful moments that lead to self-realization and empowerment.

**How to Apply the 1% Mindset to Your Transgender Journey**

The 1% better mindset can be applied to every aspect of your transgender journey. Here’s how:

1. **Focus on Daily Wins**: Whether it’s a small act of self-expression, practicing self-care, or coming out to one new person, each step brings you closer to your true self. Celebrate these wins, even if they seem small.

2. **Break Down Your Goals**: Transition can feel overwhelming at times, especially when looking at the big picture. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps. Instead of feeling like you need to accomplish everything at once, focus on what you can do today.

3. **Track Your Growth**: Keep a journal, document your thoughts, or take progress photos. Tracking how far you’ve come can help you stay motivated, especially when those 1% gains feel slow or invisible.

4. **Seek Support**: Surround yourself with a supportive community—whether online or in person. Progress often comes from those around us, and seeking help from others who understand your journey can lead to meaningful growth.

5. **Be Kind to Yourself**: Transition is not linear. Some days, it may feel like you’re moving backward, but remember, growth is not always visible. The key is consistency, not perfection.

**The Takeaway: Tiny Gains Lead to an Authentic Life**

The transgender journey, much like personal growth, is about small, consistent progress. Whether you’re transitioning socially, medically, or emotionally, it’s the 1% gains—those little moments of self-discovery, courage, and change—that lead to a full, authentic life. Just as the difference between first and second place in a race is tiny but life-changing, the small steps you take today toward your true self will lead to profound transformations tomorrow.

Remember, transition isn’t about rushing to the finish line—it’s about embracing the journey. One small step at a time, 1% better each day, and soon you’ll find yourself living more fully and authentically than you ever imagined.

Dr. Gwen Patrone

*You can find my books on Amazon and audio books on Audible


One Response

  1. Gwen,
    I apologise by misreading your second line , I read it as ” The power of tiny grains in the transgender journey ” But in reality the suggestion of 1% gains could be considered like the spreading of tiny grains through your daily journey . The grains or seeds are sown in many directions , some gradually grow while others lay dormant but all will serve a purpose in building or transforming your life over time .

    There are occasions when we have to think bigger , when we’re aiming for 100% , The first time I stepped outside the door fully as Teresa was such a time but those little 1%s from the past did prove useful . I still push the envelope now but again I’ve gained the confidence from understanding what small steps mean and what I needed to do to shape my future . I couldn’t have found the strength and courage to formally change my name earlier this year , from that I built the confidence to take touring holidays . I can’t descibe how daunting it was to step on a coach with forty+ strangers and take a touring holiday with them , next year I’ve upped it to taking a 12 day cruise with 1400 strangers . I will add I stepped off that coach tour with 40+ friends , with exchanged names and addresses and the promise we would hopefully meet again in the future .

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