Bridal Gallery – 2016-2018

More from the archives!

We continue archiving old photos, posting them one final time. More of my thing for wedding dresses.

The above photos, I believe, were taken at three different places I simply walked into and tried on gowns. The first two I know where at Nordstroms (they basically cannot deny a customer almost anything). Alas, they no longer have bridal gowns. The one at left immediately above was at a place I just literally saw, stopped and was in a dress shortly thereafter. Finally, the one at right above was me playing up a friendship I made which you saw in the previous Bridal Gallery, I stopped to say hello and was in a dress pretty quickly!

Guess where above (again)? A different David’s Bridal where I met a bored store manager who basically let me do whatever I wanted to (obviously within reason).

The two sets of photos immediately below were all selfies, taken in 2018. I purchased a wedding dress and spent the afternoon taking quite a few photos, these being my favorites. The photo just below at right is one of the cutest captures I have ever taken of myself.

The final set of photos were the result of my annual holiday boredom. I contacted a bridal salon, told my story (always being honest), I offered to compensate her, she accepted and $150 later, I had this amazing experience!


7 Responses

  1. Kandi,

    I Do believe stepping into a Wedding Gown and zipping it up and doing the first two twirls anf flounces is a special experience to be cherished..

    Thank You for being YOU,

    Marie Anne

  2. You lucky girl!!!!!

    I’d be in 7th heaven for a month after wearing all those adorable dresses. You are blessed my dear.


  3. You look so beautiful in all those pics Kandi and living the dream of every CD in the country. I agree with you that the pic of you in the white gown carrying the red rose is my fav too.
    The Gurls in the Burbs have a line on used wedding dresses down in Vancouver and they’re keeping their eyes out for one my size. They want to do a photo session of me. When the call I’ll be down there in a heat beat 🥰

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