By Theresa H.

A few weeks ago I joined my GG friend on a coach trip to Castle Howard, I’ve often driven nearby but never taken the tour of the Castle or grounds. My friend usually stays over so I usually cook a meal and share a bottle of wine and usually chat far too late.
We caught the bus at 8.15 and arrived a couple of hours later, as we travelled north the weather gradually worsened, turning to a fine drizzle with a cool breeze. Not deterred we did the tour of the house first and then stopped off at the café for a bite to eat. Finally wrapping up warmly we toured the surrounding grounds. My friend took some pictures on her phone and I took a pic of her in front of the Globe fountain, she did the same for me on my Ixus camera. I love gardens so she left me viewing them while she went of to the gift shops. Despite the weather it was an enjoyable day to go out as two female companions, we have a another trip booked in a few weeks time and a picnic with a show after to go to.
After a couple of days I remembered the photos so I thought I’d check them out, somehow I felt crestfallen. Basically we sometimes don’t look how we think we look, but then what did I expect, dull damp weather conditions absorb makeup just like a hot sticky day does and my hair had been fattened and wind blown. I’m not posting this to ask members what they think NO ! It’s time to give myself a good talking to. I’m not a 22 year old catwalk model but a 72 year old making my way as a woman, what did many of the other women look like on that trip? If they had makeup on it fared no better than mine and their hair was just as tousled as mine. For goodness sake I’m full time and going about my business without a single problem, it’s ridiculous to let a few so-so pictures undermine the acceptance I have. Let’s face it most people hate having their photograph taken and I should know I made a living at it for 30 years.
So suitably chastised I have a choice, stick the pictures in an album or delete them, either way they won’t make much difference. Just for the record if they do get deleted I’ve included them before I decide.
PS: What a Difference a Day Makes!

As I previously mentioned I had another coach trip booked with my GG friend, this one was to a small seaside resort on the Suffolk coast called Southwold. We might be in July but the British weather remains as unpredictable as ever so it was breezy and wamish but no rain fell until we made our way back home. At least it gave me the chance to wear my new jacket but decided against a dress or skirt and kept warmer in my Chino’s. We only had a few hours to explore so we had a coffee and a light bite in the quaint old town before taking a long walk along the beach, slipping my shoes off to test the water. The pier gave a great view of the colourful beach huts and lighthouse but I didn’t realise how close we were to Sizewell nuclear power station. All too soon it was time to grab afternoon tea and cakes before boarding the coach and heading home. We stopped to take pictures of each other , as you can see I had some fun at the end of the pier and sitting on a cannon.