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Observation is the act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence often from things they have experienced or witnessed.

CrossdresserKandiKandi's Land

The Splits: Literally and Figuratively

Folks like us often think we have a split personality: at least partly male and partly female, even when we lean more heavily in one ...
CrossdresserKandiKandi's Favorites

Rules of The Road

This is my personal manifesto. If you read nothing else here, you need to read this.
ObservationsOut and About


"So on this most important of days, I was indeed visible. Proud, seen, interactive and completely accepted by those I came in contact with. As ...
ObservationsOut and About

Because There is Nothing Wrong With It

I had a late morning meeting scheduled with my attorney on a business issue. My attorney is someone I recently met, along with his wife. ...