Crossdressing – The Ultimate Disguise

By Nora Simone

The following article is posted here with permission of the author and Transliving International, the world’s leading magazine celebrating gender diversity.

Click the photo below to read a wonderful article, by my dear friend, about my dear friend!


4 Responses

  1. totally agree w/Nora. Interacting with others as a woman has been an eye opener. and I realized how little I really knew about women until I engaged in conversations woman to woman

  2. Nora,
    Initially I would agree that a convincing disuise would be fun , I still recall the day I perfected my makeup and slipped a wig on I couldn’t believe the man had gone , was that really me in the mirror ? The intriguing question then is how much could I convince others ? That’s when the fun really starts , we seek different outfits to stretch the illusion and then the need for quality pictures to captuer those moments and perhaps begin to share them with others . Hearing the WOWS for the first time when you first show those pictures , it can be intoxicating but then the bubble has to burst going back to the man gradually feels worse . That is when you begin to discover it isn’t all about the dressing , the images have a deeper meaning for some , you want the disguise to become a reality BUT WHY ?
    At first I only mixed with CDers/transgender friends at social groups in hotels but I began to realise the general public were actually OK with meeting me . I’ll never forget our first Xmas party when we shared the function room with two parties from the general public , I chatted with and danced more with GGs from those parties than I did with my own . I was quickly included in girlie chat even when using their toilets .
    The disguise was working , I felt almost guilty for fooling them , but in reality the only one I was fooling was myself , I had to admit through counselling that I was transgender , the male side was becoming more of a disguise which I began to hate .
    I’ve been fulltime now for over six years so it’s no longer an illusion or a clever disguise Teresa is a real person not only visually but also officially with my name change , it’s good to say I now like being ME !!

  3. Good afternoon Nora,
    I pretty much agree with all that you wrote and have experienced most of it with the exception of the last picture of you posted in the some what kinky out fit and net stockings 😁, actually 2 things the second being talking to people in my male voice while I’m out as Trish. It could end up being an interesting conversation like you said but I’m just a shy girl and like people remaining to think I’m a girl. A very good post though and thank you so much for it. I totally enjoyed reading it Nora. Oh and thankyou for putting me onto Pamela at Just Class.

    Trish 💖

  4. Trish,
    I could tell you a very funny story of buying certain “kinky” items from a sex shop , OK I admit it I have a sexy French Maid outfit which hasn’t seen the light of day for some time ( well that’s my story !) . I discovered sometime later that the police raided the shop and closed it down !

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