By BFF, Sherry Greer
As a former runner I have experienced a “runner’s high” a couple of times. For those that aren’t runner’s this is when a sense of euphoria comes over your body and you feel like you’re running on air, you cannot feel your legs. Nirvana, a state of perfect happiness.

On July 12th we had our “Very Sherry Summer” event. We took a dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline which is a charter that navigates Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland. Even though we didn’t board the boat until 6:30 for a 3 hour trip starting at 7:30 I had the entire day planned. I was supposed to get my nails done and meet my friend for lunch and do some thrift shopping. As I was getting ready she texted me saying she couldn’t make it… I really like her and we have a wonderful time going out but this is not the first time she’s cancelled last minute and it’s frustrating! So…plan B!
I texted another friend who actually lives right by where we boarded the boat. She couldn’t come out for lunch or shopping but said I could get ready and change at her place! I put on my favorite jean skirt and a cold shoulder top and got my nails done. I’m sure some of you have heard of Anthony Vince Salon. When I walked in the place was packed! Fortunately they could take me right away so I picked out a pink color and sat at the nail techs station. No one paid any attention to me and I was just another woman getting her nails done! Afterwards I walked around the outdoor shopping area and took some random shots. I then went to a local mall and did some window shopping and bought some jewelry that was on clearance!

Before going to my friend’s house I stopped at a grocery store to get a bottle of wine as a thank you gift for her. I arrived at her place a couple of hours before boarding. We had plenty of time for a glass of wine and getting caught up on what each other has been doing. It was so nice just to be me. After about an hour I started to touch up my makeup. I brought two dresses and I had Laverne pick out the one she liked the best. I’m glad she picked the one she did because it was the one I really wanted to wear! After I was ready she showed me a bunch of purses and shoes that she had and loved to use and wear. We took a bunch of pictures at her place and then we walked over to the boat. We took a few pictures there. As we were doing so Susanne and Liz walked and we got a few together. Kandi was already on the boat and Sabrina hadn’t arrived yet.
The day was perfect, sunny and mid 80’s. There were five of us, Kandi, Sabrina, Liz, Susanne, and myself. For dinner we all sit with other people who aren’t in your party so I was worried who we would get. We couldn’t have been luckier! We sat with a couple on vacation from Kansas City and they were wonderful! We had great conversation with dinner and afterwards danced with them as well. I was so excited to wear the dress I did. I bought it 3 years ago and I finally had a fantastic place to wear it. It’s summery and sexy with the slit up the leg. It’s amazing what an article of clothing does for your psyche. As we were dancing a woman came up to me and told me I was beautiful. What an amazing feeling, she didn’t have to do that but she did and it made my night!

After some dancing we went to the top deck because the night was so beautiful. We mingled with others and the couple that we met and us got into a conversation with three 30 something couples. It was so fun and rewarding. After the three hour tour (I felt like Ginger ) we gave hugs to each other! I actually drove our new friends back to their hotel and drove home, smiling all the way, loving the day I had and thinking about tomorrow! Part 2 coming soon- a photoshoot! Hope you like the pictures.

Stay beautiful-Sherry
4 Responses
What a great dress; “to die for!” You look fabulous.
Don’t you just love going to a salon and getting your nails done? The pink looks wonderful.
What a great night for you and the ladies. Thank you for telling the story.
Thank you! The day and night were wonderful, I really felt amazing all day and it was incredible being able to share this experience with friends that you love
Sherry, what a fabulous night you and the girls had! The dress looks wonderful, I love florals.
Tina, thanks! I love that dress, a little formal but fun and sexy at the same time
. And… I got to spend it with wonderful people